Some body parts are made for attraction, such as a well-developed chest, a tight butt and the between-the-legs package that jumps out at you when a guy wears pants that are cut just right. Certain other body parts might seem a bit, uh. . .strange to be a turn-on. Some people love feet, ears…
Book Signing
Had a very nice time today at the book signing with Jasmine Jade authors Ashlyn Chase, Dalton Diaz, Frances Stockton, Rowan West at the Toadstool Bookshop in New Hampshire.
Behind the Scenes: Mate Marks: Breath – Carnal Colors
It’s easy to know when Flick, the shapeshifting hero of Mate Marks: Breath, is aroused. Yes, he displays the same characteristics of a human male and “rises” to the occasion, but in his Froth Glider form, he turns from gold to bright orange when he’s in the mood for love. Froth Gliders have both…
Behind the Scenes: Mate Marks: Thirst—Malika’s Museum
Lots of different things inspire book ideas or help build characters. Sometimes things stick in your mind and you know there’s a story there, but it might take a long time to uncover. A very long time ago, when I was a kid, I went on a trip with my family and we stopped at…
Cavern Dancer
Hello. My previously released novellas Cavern Dancer and Soothsayer are now available as a collection. Cavern Dancers… Handsome, athletic, and powerful, their name speaks of mystery and magic. Gilana knows she cannot afford to marry for love. Yet in her secret dreams she longs for one of the exotic divers she’s glimpsed from the safety…
Behind the Scenes: Mate Marks: Hunger-Cattitude
One of the things I enjoy most about writing animal shifters is building their world by researching and observing animals in the natural world. I’ve based some shifters on snakes, badgers, raccoons, frogs, sea turtles, wolves, cats, and hawks. Most of the time learning the characteristics of certain animals means a lot of reading. Other…
Behind the Scenes: Silk Bonds—Fantasy and Reality in Romance Fiction
One question that writers often get asked is how do you come up with your ideas? For me ideas come from many different sources. Even paranormal stories usually have some spark of reality. In my recent novella, Silk Bonds, the heroine has undergone a major lifestyle change. After being injured in an accident, she is…
Behind the Scenes: Back to Haunt You-Mother & Daughter
Some characters in books are nothing at all like their authors. For me, many of my characters are completely separate people and I usually feel like they’re telling me their story and letting me know who they are. I don’t always agree with what they say and do, but I understand their motivations. On the…