Weekly Movie Recommendation–Always short so you can get right to the movie. Title: Jekyll and Hyde (2021) Summary: This version of Jekyll and Hyde focuses on Jekyll’s lawyer, Utterson, and how he uncovers the truth about Hyde. What I Liked: The characters held my attention. Utterson and his wife were easy to care about. I…
Category: Recommended Movies
Recommended Short Horror Movie: Emma #creepy #paranormal
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. Sara (Chelsea Camp) has a seemingly harmless entity in her new apartment, but things soon turn frightening. Emma is a 4 minute…
Recommended Holiday Horror Movie: A Cadaver Christmas #holidayhorror #zombies
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. A Cadaver Christmas is a zombie–sorry, cadaver–movie set on Christmas Eve. It has weird humor and oddly likeable characters who work well…
Recommended Horror Movie: Rosemary’s Baby (2014)
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. The original Rosemary’s Baby (1968) is one of the best horror movies I have ever seen. I have watched it countless times…
Recommended Horror Movie – Simon Says
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. In Simon Says (2006), crazy “twins” Simon and Stanley (played by Crispin Glover) stalk teens on a camping trip. Yes, it has…
Recommended Movie – Alleluia! The Devil’s Carnival
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. I waited much longer than I’d intended to watch Alleluia! The Devil’s Carnival and I’m sorry I didn’t watch it sooner. As…
A Crazy Elf for the Holidays? The Christmas with Cookie Movies
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. As usual, the Christmas season went by too fast, but I still got in some of my old favorite Christmas movies and…
New To Me Christmas Horror Movies
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. Christmas is my favorite time of year to watch holiday themed horror movies. Maybe because they’re non-traditional, but Christmas themed horror movies…
Recommended Action/Paranormal Movie: The Night Crew
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. In the Night Crew, a woman, Mae (Chasty Ballesteros), escapes from a weird mob boss, Aguilar (Danny Trejo), and ends up in…
Let’s Watch Evil Bong Movies
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies (the Evil Bong movies were on my Hulu subscription) that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. When I saw Evil Bong listed on Hulu, it seemed like the kind…
Horror Recommended Movie: The Maze (1953)
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. Horror Recommended Movie: The Maze (1953) A young couple’s happiness is ruined when he returns home for a family crisis only to…
Recommended Horror/Antihero: Inside
Reviews and recommendations on the Compelling Beasts blog are my honest opinion. I purchase the books, comics, and movies that I recommend and review and I do not accept free copies for review. When I found out Luke Goss was in a horror/suspense movie that focused on just two characters, I anticipated liking it since…