Back to Haunt You
Blaze (Knights of the Ruby Order)
Captive Stallion (Horsemen)
The Chieftain’s Bride (Brides Series)
Crag (Knights of the Ruby Order)
Cryptic Trysts (Ancient Blood)
Deep Red (Ancient Blood)
Dream Stallion (Horsemen)
Everything Nice
God of the Grim (Ancient Blood)
Highland Stallion (Horsemen)
Holiday Stalking (Ancient Blood)
The Horse Tamer’s Bride (Brides Series)
In Black (Ancient Blood)
Infernal (Ancient Blood)
Licking Fire
Lock (Knights of the Ruby Order)
Love and Hate
Lust’s Shadow
The Mad Knight’s Bride (Brides Series)
Marriage in Moonlust
Menage a Tasia (Alien Affairs)
Mica (Knights of the Ruby Order)
Moonlight on Water (Alien Affairs)
Moonlust Privateer
Mountain Stallion (Horsemen)
Much More Than Blood (Ancient Blood)
Mystery Stallion (Horsemen)
Naked Souls
Pandora’s Box (Alien Affairs)
Raptvyn’s Rogue
The Red King
Rediscovering Thor
Revenge of the Court Jester (Ancient Blood)
Silver Cuffs
Storm Stallion (Horsemen)
Torn (Knights of the Ruby Order)
Victory Stallion (Horsemen)
Winter Stallion (Horsemen)