Today the last book in the Weapons of Redemption series was released by Changeling Press. In Fangs and Floggers, Tarun, the villain of the series, finally gets to tell his side of the story. The thirteen lines below are from Fangs and Floggers. To read an excerpt from the story, visit Changeling Press.
Thirteen Lines from Fangs and Floggers
1. “I’m someone with rare skills and I’m willing to share them with you, Tarun.”
2. “For the past century they’ve been trying to kill you.”
3. “Everything you feel is reflected in those sexy blue eyes of yours.”
4. It is said that every villain thinks he’s a hero, but what about the hero who thinks he’s a villain?
5. The problem was, like most vampires as well as most humans, they were completely ignorant of the truth — the hidden truth.
6. Adrian had no illusions about Tarun being a good guy.
7. Adrian had brought him to a dungeon.
8. “Oh, I had every intention of killing you at first.”
9. “I’m beyond salvation.”
10. This hunter respected his prey — but even more than that, he desired Tarun.
11. “So how did a clan chieftain become vampire pirate?”
12. “You want punishment.”
13. “I’ll say this for you, hunter, when you aim for the heart, unlike my inept sons, you don’t miss.”
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