I’ve always had seasonal allergies. A stuffy head and cough have ushered in springtime for as long as I can remember. I can’t say allergies make me suffer, but they do make me uncomfortable. What bothers me more than springtime allergies is winter dryness that didn’t affect me in my younger years, but is irritating now that I’m older. I’ve found that putting on lots of hand lotion and wearing gloves to bed helps.
Do you have allergies, and how do you handle them?
Which writers in the MFRA 52-Week Blog Hop deal with allergies? Please click here to find out.
Drugs, drugs, drugs. When spring pollen made me want to scratch my eyes right outa my head, my doctor recommended Allegra & Flonase. That helped. Alas, the latter gave me a bloody nose after a while, so I had to stop.
Spring and fall drive me batty. Some over-the-counter drugs worked for a while but a prescription spray I use now works so much better. Indoors in the dry heat in winter has changed for me, and I have to use tons of moisturizer too.