This week’s MFRA 52 Week Blog Challenge is Bucket Lists: Have or Have Not?
First, I want to say that bucket lists are fine for some people, and if having one and calling it such works for you, then I think that’s great, but personally, a bucket list isn’t for me.
You know how certain words or phrases annoy you for no reason? For me, bucket list is one of those terms. It’s too trendy for me. Do I have goals? Definitely. I’m working on my writing, doing exercise challenges, reading books, and watching movies I want to see. I have things I want to do, and I actively pursue those things. Will I reach all my goals? With any luck, no, because that means I’m still interested in learning and living. Everyone has just so much time. I’m not going to worry about how much I can get done before I die because realistically, it’s not possible to do everything. Since we’re human, we’ll always want more. No lists, just living for me.
Do other writers in the MFRA 52-Week Blog Challenge keep bucket lists? Find out here.
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good point about goals and achieving them.
So true–there just isn’t enough time to do everything I’d potentially enjoy. Better to just pick something attainable and enjoy that, while keeping my eyes open to new possibilities.